Developer shortcodes

We also have a couple of shortcodes available for devlopers.


Page [page]

Enables you to insert any post/page into the content


  • margin

    Enables you to add margins to the element
    Default: none

    Possible Values

    • small
      Add a margin of 22px below the line
    • normal
      Add a margin of 44px below the line
    • large
      Add a margin of 66px below the line
    • css value
      If you would like to add a margin to the element use the following notation: 11px 20px 8px 9px. The element will have a 11px top margin, a 20px right margin, an 8px bottom margin and a 9px left margin.
  • id

    The ID of the page to insert

    Possible Values

    • id
      The numerical ID of the post/page to show.


State [state]

Enables you to show content based on the logged in state of the user


  • type

    Define which logged in state you want to show the content for
    Default: loggedin

    Possible Values

    • loggedin
      The content is only shown if the user is logged in
    • guest
      The content is only shown if the user is not logged in